Rasmus Møller Selsmark

On software test and test automation

UIMap Toolbox support for Visual Studio 2013

clock March 21, 2014 22:27 by author rasmus

Have recently got a few requests for Visual Studio 2013 support for my UIMap Toolbox tool. So what is a better way to spend a Friday evening? ;)

The VS2013 version can be found at http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/b1b65cb6-c5aa-486d-b953-4284c787d5a1, and of course using "Extensions and Updates" inside the Visual Studio IDE:

No new features, just added VS2013 support.

Thanks for still using the tool out there!

UIMap Toolbox on Channel 9

clock January 21, 2012 20:33 by author rasmus

Brian Keller has been so kind to mention UIMap Toolbox on his weekly show on Channel9:


Click on "[6.11]" to see a short presentation of the tool

About the author

Team lead at Unity Technologies. Focus on automating any task possible. Author of e.g. http://uimaptoolbox.codeplex.com

Twitter: @RasmusSelsmark

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